In addition to my paintings on this site, I offer FREE watercolor lessons to the aspiring beginner
The info includes techniques, types of paint, brushes, studio and plein air supplies, watercolor surfaces, and preparing your painting surface.
In addition there are lessons on painting landscapes, skies, negative shapes, figures and faces, crystal and lace, and a four part demo showing the steps of painting a landscap and more..
Start with Watercolor Techniques
There are many painting instructions on this site as well. Check out the
R-tistx section in the Navigation Bar and also "How to Paint Crystal and Lace". I have also included extensive information on choices of
Watercolor Paper.
For my Youtube videos, check out and click to see all 20 of the videos on painting different subject.
see these pages:
Rural Landscapes
Monet's Gardens
Seas, Boats, Sunsets

The answers to these three questions for me is “yes”!
For the past decade I have been doing just that from the USA (including Alaska, Sanibel, Naples, Hilton Head, Kiawah Island, Steamboat Springs, to San Miguel, Mexico; Paris, Giverny, Provence, France; Tuscany, Venice, Greece and Turkey; Hawaii, Trinidad, in the Caribbean, and the most recent, South Africa and Sparrow Village. (See news article about trip to Sparrow Village)
Taking students with me and offering the workshops to artists who want to see the wonders of this beautiful world and the lifestyles of past and present, and all the history that goes with it, has given me great pleasure.
To share my experiences in paint with the world is rewarding. The kind emails I receive and the offers to travel more make the work worthwhile. I am deeply grateful for the opportunities to share these wonderful things with others.
Some of the paintings on this site are from these experiences and others are from memory or were created in my head. I hope that you will enjoy viewing them.

I am pictured here with one of my paintings on Watercolor Canvas by Fredrix.
Browse the subjects in the navigation bar to see images from around the world and my daily life. Enjoy…and please contact me with your thoughts about this site.
JUST THINK! ...a new way of presenting watercolors without the glare of glass! Paintings are stretched like oils and framed. The acrylic varnish protects them without the weight and worry of glass.
Learn about my second trip to South Africa, and a trip to a hospice and orphanage named Sparrow Village, for children and adults who are HIV positive or who have AIDS.
I was asked to paint portraits of the adults in the hospice so that their children would have a memory of them.
Then the children wanted portraits of themselves, so, all in all, I painted about 100 portraits, and have put some of them on this site for you to enjoy.
The Faces of Sparrow Village

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